This way, within the MACH organization, the employees represent the company’s most valuable resource..
In order to accomplish the mission of the company, MACH’s policy in the field of the human resources is focused on developing a productive and professional work environment, on creating a high quality set of abilities, knowledge and skills, as well as on creating a competitive and efficient working system.
The main objectives in the field of the human resources are:1. Developing a set of professional growth systems, training, information, that may allow MACH’s
employees to carry out their activity in accordance with the requirements of the company and with theexpectations of the customers.
Improving the internal communication and implementing a cross-training system that may allow
the exchange of ideas and information between the departments and the employees from different departments.
Creating a working environment that may encourage and support the productivity, the innovation, the security, as well as a decent level of the quality of life.
As a result of the ever-increasing sales, based on quality products and services, we can state that we represent for you a reliable future partner.
Our company is ready to help you with your career. That is why, we want to ask you to send us directly your resume, along with a letter of intent and an ID or passport type photograph, directly by means of the website or at the e-mail address: Hi Bot!
Only the candidates that meet the cumulative requirements provided in the job description will be invited to an interview.
Available Positions:
Hei, echipa Mach FTD se mareste!
Daca ai:
• Experienta practica in realizarea de tablouri electrice
• Experienta practica in punerea in functiune a sistemelor de automatizare
• Experienta in mentenanta si service pentru sisteme de automatizare
• Experienta relevanta minima 3 ani.
... te invitam sa te alaturi noua, iti garantam ca nu vei regreta!
Vei avea sarcini ca:
• Citirea si intelegerea proiectelor din domeniul automatizarilor industriale (electric- Eplan, mecanic, pneumatic).
• Realizarea de tablouri electrice conform schema electrica elaborata de catre proiectantul electric si testarea acestora
• Instalarea din punct de vedere electric a echipamentelor in site beneficiar (realizare traseu cabluri, tras cabluri, marcare cabluri, etichetare cabluri conform proiect electric, conectare in tabloul electric, conexiuni electrice echipamente camp cum ar fi senzori, motoare trifazate, motoare curent continuu 24V, butoane de urgenta, electrovalve, etc)
• Verificare circuite electrice impreuna cu automatistul si realizare de corectii la startup-ul sistemului
• Interventii depanare echipamente si tablouri electrice in site beneficiar
• Coordonare echipa instalare electrica in site beneficiar – constituie un avantaj
• Gestiune repere electrice pe proiecte si colaborare cu departament logistica pentru preluare / retur componente
• Comunicare si integrare in echipa actuala de proiect
• Asigura suport tehnic pe parte electrica pentru proiectele aflate in garantie si post garantie
Te vor ajuta foarte mult:
• Limba engleza – nivel mediu
• Foarte bine organizat, serios si implicat in ceea ce face (focalizat pe rezultat)
• Cunostinte lucru pe calculator (Office, Windows)
• Carnet conducere categoria B
• Disponibilitate la deplasari
Esti si in avantaj daca ai:
• Cunostinte programare / utilizare PLC, HMI
• Abilitati mecanice
• Cursuri si acreditari pe parte electrica / automatizari (exemplu ANRE)
• Alte cursuri sau cunostinte in domeniul electric
Noi iti oferim:
• Salariu fix
• Bonusuri in functie de performante
• Tichete de masa, masina si telefon in interes de serviciu
+ provocarea de a lua parte la proiecte complexe, antrenante.